Wim Barendswaard was born to mother Trijntje and father Jaap. He was brother to three older siblings; Hilleke, Peter and Els and had one daughter called Sarah. He excelled in school and went to study physics and chemistry in the University of Leiden. He did his p.h.d. in Leiden. After his p.h.d. he had a successful industrial career. He worked in DSM for 9 years, then he worked in Philips China/Belgium/The Netherlands for the next five years. For 7 years he worked in Suzlon India, where he made some very good life-long friends like Gurinder. Unfortunately, there was some reorganisation in the company and so he decided to broaden his horizons and go for a new experience in Tianjin, China, where he would be responsible for a windmill blade test-centre. In 2015 he also became a member of the european chamber of commerce in China and even expanded his test centre for aerospace testing in collaboration with Airbus. He was a healthy man, his death was unfortunately very unexpected and uncalled-for. May his soul rest in peace. God bless him.